In my head I thought moving to Melbourne, AH YES, finally out of my small town, back to living in a city where it's socially acceptable to wear something other than jeans and a tee or basically living in winter layers. BUT small fact I kinda missed...I would have a full time job that has a uniform, and on my days off where I actually could be getting outfit roommate would be working. BUMMER. That being saiddddddd Melbourne has been a dream come true, four months in and I still walk around with a big ol'grin on my face and spend my days off wandering the city alone just exploring & taking hundreds of photos. I have grown up SO much, and grown in general so much, and I'm so excited for the adventures to come in the second half of this absolute dream of a year. Goes to show ya life really can be magical even while semi-adulting. I have a few outfits shots that I've thrown together in this post, but to be honest it's only been the last couple weeks I've been really getting back into my stride with outfits. I've realized I'm really not much of a summer style's much too hot, and a little dress is all I usually reach for. But now that it's fall here, and literally everyday is my ideal temperature for dressing I've started to get excited about my clothes again. That being said it has been SO LONG since I've shopped & all my $$$$$ dolla bills here are being saved for travel, so don't hate if items are being mixed and matched here people!!