Tis' the season for food, family, and obviously Christmas carols hence why Merrrrrrry Christmas everyoneeeeeeeeee has been playing over and over again in Shakin' Stevens voice in my mind for a month. Whether you celebrate Christmas, or any other holiday during this season for that matter, this is truly the best part of the year. I look forward to Christmas for the entire year so when December finally rolls around I literally cherish every, single little moment. That being said, I cherish every little moment of having absolutely nothing to do and no need to wear makeup or leave the house for days at a time so much that taking a lot of photos seems to slip my mind. So, because I love Christmas so much I decided I still need to do some sort of Christmas themed post so I decided I'll just show you some bits and bobs that I got for Christmas! Nothing crazy but more than I need, and all perfect for me. The best present of all was from my lovely boyfriend & it was this shiny new blog theme, which I am IN LOVE with and it finally looks the way I've always envisioned my little corner of the internet to be.
Friday, December 18, 2015
Simply Suede
I have been totally MIA lately because school is very overwhelming and seriously, seriously takes up SO much time. So many times I have thought about doing a blog post but then I'm like oh hey, I have twelve essays I could be writing...so ya. But now I'm free for Christmas, free from school and free from work, which is literally the greatest feeling in the entire world. Right now I'm writing this post cuddled up in my Christmas pjs, beside the tree watching movie after movie and the only way I can describe this feeling is "!!!!!!!!!!" These pictures are pretty old now, but they're some of my favourites so I thought I would still share them. Stay tuned for some Christmassy posts kiddos!
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Layering Neutrals
Hey!! Sorry it's been a while since I last posted, school is slowly killing me but only two weeks left *blesssssss* These pictures were taken a few weeks back with the lovely SukeStyle, which I'm sure you can tell as bare legs & no coat is an absolute no go now. As you can probably tell by now I'm not really one for a lot of colour, it's almost like because my hair is red I feel like that just brings enough pop of colour to every outfit. That being said, always dressing monochrome is a bit boring for me so I tend to lean towards greens and browns & more earthy neutrals. I find the more layers, the better; like every layer adds a new element to the outfit. Whether it's a scarf, coat, shawl, or cardigan every layer draws the eye to something new, and creates a more full and interesting outfit. So really, if your intention is to just keep warm and bundled by tossing on tons of layers, you're actually creating an easy & creative wintery look.